Did you know?
More than a million new connections are forming in your child's brain every second during their first few years of life.
Research tells us that when babies and children get what they need it can have a lasting effect on their future.
Sharing stories, singing, talking and playing with your child from birth builds a foundation for your child’s future development that can last a lifetime.
Parents and caregivers play a valuable role
Babies and young children learn best by listening and interacting with the important adults in their lives during everyday activities – whether that’s talking about what you can see on the way to the park, singing nursery rhymes, pointing out something you both view out the window, or learning new words while shopping for groceries.
What the research tells us
Children are born ready to learn and some of the best learning comes from nurturing relationships.During the first few years after birth, more than 1 million new synapses (connections between neurons) form every second. Early experiences affect the nature and quality of the brain’s developing architecture.Shared activities at home and out and about in the early years are important in the development of language skills later on, and research highlights the significant role that parents play in helping their babies build a strong foundation for future learning.
Thank you to First 5 Forever - State Library for this article
Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (2010). Engaging Families in the Early Childhood Development Story.
Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University (2016). From Best Practices to Breakthrough Impacts.
Australian Institute of Family Studies (2014). Children’s Early Home Learning Environment and Learning Outcomes in the Early Years of School.