We have provided a number of "links" to various websites, which we feel may be useful to parents. These are classified as per the tabs above. Government agencies are sites where parents can learn more about 'regulations' regarding the Childcare industry, health, Childcare Benefits, Assessment and Rating, and many other areas of interest which may have potential information for parents. Parent Information sites will refer you to sites from which we believe useful information may be obtained regarding the parenting process itself. These areas of interest are varied and widespread, and we hope they are of benefit to parents. Children's sites are sites we have found which are of particular interest to young children, and include early educational and developmental activities for children and their parents. We ask always that parents work with their children on these sites, as it is a 'golden opportunity' for quality time to be spent between parents and children together.Children should not be left to spend hours working alone on internet websites, as they may accidentally gain access to inappropriate sites for children, as well as losing the opportunity to actively participate in 'real-play' with other children.
The internet is a wonderful resource for information if used properly, and all children will use this as a basic learning tool as they grow up. However, everything should be used in moderation. If parents are aware of any other sites which they feel may be of interest to other parents, please do not hesitate to contact us, and give us details. We will be happy to add this new link to our list of sites.